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Quantum Simulation in Condensed Matter and AMO Physics (QuantSim2020)

Organisé par T. Giamarchi et L. Sanchez-Palencia
There are now many examples of successful quantum simluation in and out of equilibrium in ultracold atoms, quantum optics and condensed matter. Still these fields remain largely disperse and lack a common knowledge to share ideas and further develop. It is the aim of this Summer School to develop a community joining all these fileds and train the next generation of promissing young researchers in the field of quantum simulation and, in a broader scope, quantum technologies. By joining several communities as well as young and experienced researchers as attendees and lectures, we expect a stimulating cross-fertilization of ideas, methods, and approaches, able to further develop this fields beyond the present frontiers.

DOMINIQUE DONZELLA | Mise à jour le 19/05/2020

Du mardi 07 juillet 2020 à 09h00 au vendredi 17 juillet 2020 à 17h00

Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques, Cargèse, Cargèse