Non-linear optics in fibers and in integrated optics
Organized by D. Marris-Morini
The organization of the school corresponds to a training need, in an interdisciplinary field, which is at the interface between 2 distinct scientific communities, but which uses physical principles and common tools.
The course program is structured around 6 themes listed below :
1. Basics of non-linear optics
2. Photonic integrated platforms and optical fibers
3. Supercontinuum sources: Fiber and waveguides
4. Frequency conversion, frequency comb generation
5. Lasers (fiber, integrated, near-IR, mid-IR, mode-locked, pulsed…)
6. Applications: biophotonics, metrology, sensing, telecom, quantum optics,
Du lundi 23 octobre 2023 à 09h00 au vendredi 27 octobre 2023 à 18h00
Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques, Cargèse, Cargèse