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Institut d'Études Scientifiques | Cargèse

Label "Histotical Site"

On October 7th, the IES Cargèse was awarded by Mr. Luc Bergé, president of the European Physical Society, the label "Historical Site"

Photo (from left to right): B. Georgeot (INP), V. Pasqualini (Univ. Corse), J. Brisswalter (UCA), D. Federici (Univ. Corse), T. Dauxois (INP, CNRS), Luc Bergé (EPS), A. Philippe (Délégation DR12), G. Wormser (SFP), A. Petit (CNRS), F. Mortessagne (IESC), B. Van Tiggelen (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes), A. Fontaine (EPS)

More information on :  CNRS, SFP, Corse-Matin, FR3



Page mise à jour le 07/08/2023 par DOMINIQUE DONZELLA